The First World Emoji Competition, how fast are you?
The First World Emoji Competition. How fast are you? Download to find out.

Welcome to the first world emoji competition, where emojiletes from around the world compete to get their emoji at the top.

Each user will be assigned to a random emoji team and received 500 emoji calls and 1 emoji coin.

Users can call random opponents from around the world with the received emoji calls. An opponent may missed a call if he failed to answer before countdown reaches 15 seconds. If an opponent missed a call, he will lose eight emoji calls. If the call was answered, run to the distance displayed at the top left corner of the screen. You will see one of the 4 distances, 40 meters, 60 meters, 80 meters or 100 meters.

The center of the screen will show four different ripples. The green ripple indicates that you are covering the displayed distance while the red ripple indicates that you exceed the displayed distance. The yellow ripple with a timer off icon means you reach the finish line while the blue ripple with a send icon is for submitting your time.

If a distance was covered without exceeding 5 meters more than the displayed distance, such user will be presented with the yellow ripple. A user that exceeds the displayed distance more than 5 meters will see a red ripple and should go backward to see the yellow ripple in order to stop the timer. If the user stop the timer, he will see the blue ripple, click to submit run time. A user will not be able to submit his run time if there is no internet connection.

Each user will have 100 seconds to complete the run and submit run time. The user with the fastest time will win the run. A user will automatically be the loser if failed to submit run time within the 100 seconds period. The winner will received the reward while the loser will lose an emoji call.
If the two runners submit run times within the 100 seconds period, they can flip the emoji to see who is behind it in a video room.

Users that claimed a minimum of 4000 emoji coins will have access to The Main Event and the emoji team with the most emoji coins will be the winner of The World Emoji Competition.

Competition ends on World Emoji Day 2021.

The app developer used Noto Font Emoji in the app which is owned by Google.