Achievist invites the user into a new world of journaling and achieving goals! Using Flutter we can offer the user a beautiful paperless journaling experience.
Achievist is an app based on the most important habit of all successful people. Elon Musk, Tai Lopez, and Ariana Huffington have one thing in common: They take the time in the morning to plan their day and reflect in the evening.

Therefore we want to give the user exactly the start needed for living a successful life!

Achievist offers a morning routine that allows focusing on achieving its own goals and starting the day energized and focussed. In the evening Achievist helps with an evening routine to reflect the day and the progress of achieving the own success. Our goal is to make the user the best version of himself every day!

The user can also create his own vision board and visualize the goals daily! To make the user productive we came up with the concept of key tasks. Key Tasks are the tasks that have the most impact on achieving the own goals. We placed them on the home screen, so the user always sees what are the important tasks today.
To motivate the user to complete tasks, he can assign tasks to goals.

Achievist is all about achieving goals! And the best of all, the user can do it anywhere and anytime. No more excuses and annoying paper diaries that end up in the corner after a few days!

Achieve your goals - Become an Achiever!