Assistant Spirit
Assistant Spirit - Your personal customizable assistant developed with the sole purpose of making your lives easy!
Assistant Spirit is a virtual assistant created to manage your day to day activities in more enjoyable way. Also it supports, Human assistant feature were you can chat with some live human assistant one on one. Also, You can become the human assistant to assist or help some other user.

🌍 Assistant Spirit supports 64 world wide speaking languages.
🖼 Spirit can easily detect any image, content specified by you.
⏰ Timing Based Task.
Spirit can easily set alarms for you.
Spirit can also fetch all your alarms.
Spirit can set timer for a specific task.
Spirit can access stopwatch for your personal need.
💻 Spirit can get free online courses based on your specific requirement.
💠 Spirit can get the conversion of any cryptocurrency to any fiat currency based on your choice.
📖 Spirit can get the meaning of your specified word, from the dictionary.
📧 Spirit can send email directly, by specifying the appropriate recipient and body for the email.
😜 Spirit can get amazing Jokes and Quotes for you.
🎼 Spirit can get the lyrics of any song you like.
🗺 Spirit can find your favorite place on the map instantly.
📍 Spirit can find navigation for your desired destination.
📰 Spirit can check latest news for your defined topic, such as business,politics,sports etc.
📝 Spirit can remember something by writing it as a note for you.
📩 Spirit can send sms to any defined phone number directly from your device.
☁ Spirit can display you today's weather.