Loyalty app for azuleo, Belgian tile store
Kunstmaan | Accenture Interactive created a mobile app for azuleo, subsidiary of Steylaerts. Azuleo was looking for a way to increase loyalty of partners who install tiles and products in the homes of consumers.
In addition to existing initiatives, azuleo wanted to give away champaign to its partners in a fun and engaging way at the end of the year.

Together with Kunstmaan the concept was created to use a mobile app as a way to collect points when partners visit or pass by the showroom. Points are also rewarded for each sale and for events such as birthdays.

Kunstmaan made this happen using the latest innovations in mobile technology including Flutter and Firebase. Part of our solution includes geofencing to automatically reward points to partners who happen to pass by or visit the showroom.

The app was successfully launched with a high adoption rate at an azuleo partner event. In December the first rewards period will end, and auzelo’s partners will be able to enjoy the holidays with champaign. Cheers!