Boky - Baby Diary
Track your favourite memories!
Boky is the perfect place to safely store all your baby's memories.

It's never been easier to keep track of breast feeding and sleeping patterns for your little one, with Boky it's all just a press of a button!

Use the app to keep track of:
- Memories
- Milestone
- Breastfeeding
- Breastpumping
- Sleep
- Food & Drink
- Diapers

And even more! But of course it's up to you to decide how much you actually want to keep track of. So inside the app you can easily ignore the subjects you might not be interested in.

Furthermore you will gain some beautiful insights from entering all this data, which might just allow you to discover your baby's sleeping patterns at a glance! Or maybe create a video of all your daily picture to discover how quickly they grow up.