FaceRehab: Therapies World
FaceRehab is a digital platform designed to provide specialized training for individuals dealing with facial paralysis and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues.
Discover your new companion for Facial Training. Explore innovative rehabilitation for Facial Paralysis, Bell's Palsy & TMJ with interactive exercises designed by experts

FaceRehab is a digital platform designed to provide specialized training for individuals dealing with facial paralysis and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues. The platform offers a range of interactive exercises, developed by experts in facial rehabilitation. Users can assess their stage of rehabilitation and access exercises filtered to their specific needs.

- Training Calendar: Monitor your progress with our intuitive calendar feature. Track your exercise routines, record milestones, and observe your transformation over time.

- Online Consultation: Direct connection with dedicated professionals via our online consultation feature. Receive personalized guidance and expert advices.

- Interactive Exercises: Designed to targets specific facial muscles, promoting gradual restoration and improved mobility.

- Self-Control Reminders: Receive timely notifications to stay motivated, avoid bad habits, and ensure consistency.

- Educational Facts and Tips: Access valuable insights and expert tips to enhance your understanding and optimize your progress.

FaceRehab does not provide medical diagnosis or replace professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

TERMS OF USE (EULA): https://facerehab.eu/terms-of-use

PRIVACY POLICY: https://facerehab.eu/privacy-policy