Chat application
The aim of this project is to build a functional real-time messaging application for developers by using flutter.
The aim of this project is to build a functional real-time messaging application for developers by using flutter. Flutter is a new mobile development SDK brought to us by Google to help build fast, beautiful, and cross-platform mobile applications with native interfaces before now I work on cross-platform applications mostly with Ionic and React Native. Then Google released the new Flutter SDK and it gained a lot of attention. Like every other developer, I’m constantly looking for simpler ways to write better codes so I decided to check it out and so far, the experience has been flawless, I have only good things to say. One of my favorite features of Flutter is its rich material design features that let you quickly ship features with native end-user experiences. It also comes with an amazing native feel as it incorporates all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both IOS and Android applications. I’ll build a basic chat application where a user can type and send messages. On the second part, we’ll extend it to build a more conversational chat app where connected users can share messages and images using Firebase.