Hangman : Final Word
Hangman: Final Word, find as many words as possible or it will be your last!
Hangman: Final Word is hangman game, it's a very basic hangman game but with a story.

The game emerges from a challenge, that of developing in 1 week an application with the flutter framework, you can find a video of the realization of this challenge here : https://bit.ly/2NLua9w

The game itself is based on the basics of the classic Hangman, you have 5 lives to find a word related to a certain category. On the game screen you will find at the top your score, the category of the word as well as your coins to buy help, below will be displayed your number of lives left through the hangman's drawing, then you will find the number of dashes that correspond to the letters to be found and finally the letters to submit by pressing on them.

The game contains more than 4500 words to discover divided into more than 45 categories.

Your score is incremented by 1 for each word you find and drops to zero if you are hanged.
If you log in, every month you can try to make it to the top players to win prizes: https://bit.ly/2NLua9w (for more info).

The project is led by a student, a youtubeur who learned to develop by himself and published his first applications in only 3 months!

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