Hear My Moon - All Artists ASMR
Sleep Well listening to your Favourite ASMR Artists
Hear My Moon - All Artists ASMR. The All-New ASMR App. 😴
Add your Favourite πŸ’– ASMR Artists or Explore new Artists.
Like videos and Listen to them Anytime, Anywhere. 😍
Since this App got the Audio Only Streaming πŸ˜ŽπŸŽΆπŸ˜‰πŸ’• in this App you can Listen to the Videos where ever you are and you can do whatever you want.
Log in with your Google Account and add your favorite artists and videos. Since we mostly use this app in the night, I have made this app only in dark mode with moody UI.
All the Videos are Fetched from YouTube. This app contains Ads. You have to watch an ad before listening to the Audio.

*********** IMPORTANT NOTE ************
Since some of the Artists have enabled the privacy of their videos to not play on other websites their videos can't be audio Streamed. But by clicking on the Image you can watch their videos on YouTube.

I have used Material Icons and FontAwesomeIcons in this App. This app was made with Flutter.