Stop postal junk mail - Free
Unsubscriber from postal junk mail and stay free from paper clutter. Choose an eco-friendly electronic mailbox that gives you complete control over who sends you mail (“iMail”) and how many “iMiail” they send you each month. Because companies/Mail solicitors save money on paper, stamps, and logistics, you get rewarded cash for each iMail send to you.
Our Mission:
Leading the way forward to Leaving paper activities behind and Reducing digital (email servers) pollution and waste by Providing incentives to individuals and companies.
Other Features:
Simply take a picture of the mail you received and submit them.
Choose whether you want to subscribe and get your mail in your iMailbox on iMailApp or if you DO NOT want paper or junk mail at all.
Get a copy of each stop mail request letter sent on your behalf to the companies asking them to stop sending you paper/junk mail.
Use our cart system to make a bulk stop mail request.
Got another paper or junk mail from a company after completing a request to stop them from sending you paper mail? Simply search from your list of stop mail requests and then click on “Report”.
iMail is free for all
We work for the ENVIRONMENT, we represent CONSUMERS and we provide Solutions for BUSINESSES.
iMailApp is your new mailbox