Expense tracker to help you to understand how you spend your money.
Become aware of your spending.

Moneymi is an easy-to-use app to help you understand how you spend your money.


β€’ Falling into bad spending habits, if you are not keeping track of your expenses, you won't be able to figure out if you're spending too much money on something.

β€’ Being vulnerable to unexpected expenses, if you don't know how much money you are spending, you'll have time-saving for an emergency.

β€’ Not achieving your goals, if you don't know where your money is going, you'll have hard time-saving money for things you'd like to do or for items you'd like to buy.

...and start to...

β€’ Live with less stress, you don't have to stress out anymore trying to figure out how you are spending your money.

β€’ Stop making impulsive buys, by becoming aware of your expenses, you will be able to understand if you need what you are about to buy.

β€’ Achieve your goals, by keeping track of your expenses, you will be able to figure out how much money to save for what you love doing or for things you would like to do.

β€œWhere did my money go?”

Yes, it's very frustrating not to be able to answer this question...

Moneymi will help you to develop the habit of entering your expenses and will provide you with statistics and reports on your income and expenditure, to give you more control over your money.