Subera : Automatic captions/subtitles
Mobile captioning/subtitling platform for videos
🔥 Automatic captions for YouTube Videos
🔥 Automatic captions for local video & audio files
🔥 Ability to try it for 1-2 minutes if satisfied with the quality request for the complete duration.
🔥 Generate subtitles from captions using the Auto-Translate feature in 100+ languages.
🔥 Super easy subtitle editor with features like merging, splitting & bulk shifting time segments.
🔥 Save time by using voice typing or transliteration while writing foreign languages.
🔥 Transcription & Captions/Subtitles modes
🔥 Import & edit existing SRT/VTT files
🔥 Bulk move subtitles/captions in the timeline
🔥 Built-in player to preview subtitles with language switcher
🔥 Quick export to various formats like SRT, VTT, SUB, DFXP & TXT