Effective Strength Training for Tactical (Military/Law Enforcement) Athletes
Effective Strength Training for the Tactical Athlete

Being a Tactical Athlete is hard and has its unique set of fitness requirements. Tactical Athletes don't have the luxury to spend 6 days a week in the weight room like a powerlifter or run 100 miles per week like a marathon specialist. But, you must be strong and have superb endurance.

The Tactical Barbell (TB) training method allows you to effectively gain strength while giving you the flexibility to simultaneously focus on cardiovascular training and occupational and sports-specific skills. TB is perfect for military and law enforcement members, first responders, combat athletes (boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, wrestling, MMA fighters), and recreational athletes alike. Whether you are training for a military selection/school (Airborne/Ranger School, RASP, SFAS, BUD/S, or Indoc), or preparing for a competition, or even maintaining fitness during a deployment, TB has got you covered.

TacticalStrength provides 3 flexible templates from the Tactical Barbell books based on what you want to achieve.

1. Zulu - geared for operational athletes that need to be strong and big but don’t need to place emphasis on cardiovascular endurance

2. Fighter - geared for combat and endurance athletes who can make the tradeoff of slower strength gain for extra time in the ring/cage/mat/road/trail

3. Operator - the flagship template for operational athletes who want to gain massive strides in strength and endurance


- Choose workout templates depending on your athletic goals

- Personalized and tailored training cycles depending on your current strength

- Customizable with different lifts and exercises

- Built-in 1 rep max calculator