Venda (
Venda is a location-based business platform that enables people to discover businesses around them. With Venda, you can sell or buy goods and services from vendors nearby.
Enable your location and explore different products and services offered or sold by vendors around you. See how far you are from the seller or vendor.

Subscribe to your favorite vendor or seller and be the first to see their latest listings.
Rate and review your favorite vendor for others to know more about them.

Buy items or reach out to your vendor through communication platforms you love. WhatsApp, Messenger, or a phone call. That’s all it takes to get in touch.

Find where a shop is located through the map or directions within the app. It’s all you need to find your seller.

Not in range? Increase the radius and discover more businesses you didn’t know. What you need is always nearby somewhere.

Enjoy an offline experience while you wait for a connection. It’s the ultimate business experience.

How to be a seller or vendor?
Continue with an account.
Create a business profile.
Share your profile with friends.
Let others review your profile.
Post your listings.