Flutter eCommerce UI Kit
Flutter e-Commerce UI Kit comes with around 40+ screens and works great with both android and ios.
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Flutter e-Commerce UI Kit is a nicely designed and developed mobile application UI kit developed using Flutter. Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google and used to develop applications for Android and iOS.

Flutter e-Commerce UI Kit makes an easy job for developer to have the modern look and feel in the mobile application. It saves lots of hustle and time to develop a nicely design UI for modern mobile application. Flutkit is ready to use and can be easily integrated in any flutter project. The code organization is easy to understand any part can be taken out and added into flutter application.

More than 20 Screens:
Splash Screen
Onboarding Screens
SignUp Screen
Login Screen
Forget Password/Reset
Homescreen (With Search Bar, Product Category, Offers, Top Products)
Category View
Product search Screen
Product Detail page
Add review
Wish list
Delivery Address Input screen
Order Confirmation
My Profile and Edit
My Order
E-Commerce Flutter App UI Kit specially designed for fruits, vegetable and other Grocery products.
Clean and organized Dart Language code.
Easy to restyle and theming by on your branding sites
Animations in all screens