Football Score, EU League & FIFA Ranking (Flutter)
League Fixtures, Results & Points Table, Live Scores, FIFA Ranking, World Cup
Fixtures, Results & Points Table of top European leagues : Premier League, La Liga, Budesliga , Serie A, Ligue 1 & International games.
FIFA World Ranking
Latest live football scores, results & fixtures from across the world
World Cup 2018 Live Score, Results, Fixtures, Match detail, Highlights, Points table, Stats, Teams, Players & top news !

League football across Europe is about to be started. Stay updated about your favorite clubs from top league with this app.

Coming Soon (Top 5 League)
# Points Table
# Stats
# Highlights
# News
# Live Score Alert

Stay updated about your favourite club
Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester United, Manchester City, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atlético Madrid, FC Bayern Munich, Juventas, PSG, Monaco

There's nothing quite like a World Cup !!!!
Football World Cup, Russia 2018 is here ...
& here is the app that always keeps you updated.

This app provides World cup
# Live-score,
# Fixtures (results & upcoming matches),/
# Match Highlights
# Points table
# Stats
# Teams with full squad detail
# Top news regarding world cup.

Stay updated about World Cup 2018 with this app.
World's best football tournament : FIFA World Cup.

App also provides FIFA world ranking.
Browse through FIFA rankings along with continent wise categorization & search feature.

The FIFA World Ranking is a ranking system for men's national teams in association football.
The teams of the member nations of FIFA, football's world governing body, are ranked based on their game results with the most successful teams being ranked highest.

World Cup 2018 Live Score & FIFA Ranking (Flutter)
Data fetched from :

App made with Flutter.