Go Smiley Go
Go Smiley Go. Smiley is on a journey to survive.
Go Smiley Go is a simple game where players need to keep Smiley happy and keep away from anger. Players need to tap on Smiley and move carefully. Smiley is on a journey to survive. Players can collect food, water and mask for Smiley. Keep Smiley happy and save from angry guys, score with the happy ones and complete each level...

How To Play:
1. Tap on Smiley and move. Happy guys make Smiley happy, score and collect food...
2. Get a Survival Kit for Smiley. Food and water or mask will be rewarded...
3. Angry people makes Smiley a little sad ๐Ÿ˜•!
4. Smiley must have a mask! Old mask will be replaced automatically after some time...
5. Smiley is hungry๐Ÿ˜• when it\'s angry๐Ÿ˜ก. Click on Food and Water...
6. Time can make Smiley wise, Smiley won\'t be angry anymore...๐Ÿ™‚
7. Enjoy the Game...

There is only one stage right now in this first release app where players need to keep Smiley happy and complete different levels. After surviving through the present stage the Future awaits for us... Enjoy the game and see you and Smiley in the upcoming release...