Json to Dart Converter
Json to Dart class generator with tons of customizations.
The flutter app made to help developers convert JSON into dart classes with safe parsing and option to customize almost all aspects of the dart data class.

Options to customize generated members of dart class
- exclude member from class
- make member final, private and nullable
- exclude member from constructor initialization
- delete member entirely from class

Options to customize dart class
- Change class name
- Make Hive class
- select which methods and factories you want to generate
- Quality of life options like use extra comma for better formatting, store raw json, prefer single quote. sort variables in order

Save generated classes along with its setting and raw json for later use.
The app does not share any data, all the conversion happens in app itself and history is saved in your browser database.

[bonus] It has cool physics ball animation as background.

Please feel free to report buga and ask for improvements.