力扣 (LeetCode)
An official mobile app for LeetCode.com, a technic upgrading platform used and loved widely by global programmers.
LeetCode is one of the earliest OJ (Online Judge) websites originated from Silicon Valley. It’s also programmers’ must-have for improving technics and passing interviews, influential and popular among global programmers.

🌟Massive technic problem bank
With over 1,000 authoritative technic and interview problems, 10,000 solutions and analyses, 100,000 problem discussions included here, you can utilize your fragmented time to master Algorithms and Data Structures anytime anywhere.

🌟Millions of tech geeks
Want to learn the most cutting-edge technics? Here is where you can find millions of technologists, specialists and enthusiasts discussing about them every day. Sign up and join them, you will find continuous progress of your comprehensive strength.