Motion Gallery
Motion gallery app specially designed and excellent app for organizing your photos.
The main feature of Motion gallery app is to select or deselects multiple photos from different albums on a single time and share, move or copy photos and videos to any albums or social media.
It shows the selected photos or videos in bottom of the app, no need to scroll up or down for confirmation
Multiple album select feature is unique to available only in Motion gallery app.
Easily share the selected photos to Email, Whatsapp, Facebook, or any social media as well as it is easy to select or deselect all photos or videos.
It has a zoom option to view photos.
For every delete action, it asks confirmation to delete the particular or selected photos or videos. This prevents the unfortunate delete.
Motion gallery app for free and well-designed app replacement of your phone built-in app.
Grid and list mode view options are available.
Sort option available based on name, date, and size.
Motion gallery is an offline gallery app.
Photos, Videos:
Move to different Album
Copy to different Album
Share on social media
Create a new folder
Sort by name, Date, and Size
Zoom option
Exclude Folder:
It won’t display the selected albums in your gallery
It’s like a secret photo.
New Folder:
Create customize album names
User friendly
Copy to:
It’s like COPY option
You can copy photos or video from one album to another album
Move to:
It’s like a CUT option
You can cut and copy photos or video from one album to another album
Key Features:
Select multiple photos from a different album
Displays selected photos or videos in the bottom
Exclude albums, like a secret folder
Motion gallery for photos and videos
Motion gallery can zoom photos
Grid Photo view
List Photo view
Move photos to another album or a new folder
Copy photos to another album or a new folder
Sort by Name, Date, Size, Ascending, and Descending
Download the free Motion gallery app and organize your photos and videos.