My Cloud To-do List
A Free To-do List App that stores your To-dos in your Phone and in the Cloud.
This is a Free To-do List App that stores your To-dos in your Phone and the Cloud.
Once you logged in to the app, you will be able to use the app even without the internet connection.
This app was created using the Flutter SDK and Firebase.
1. Users can sign in anonymously, with an email, or with a Google account.
2. Users can create a list of To-dos
3. Users can enter a date to their To-dos.
4. Users can also mark their To-do as complete or not.
5. The to-dos are automatically uploaded to the Cloud.
6. The list of the to-dos is displayed back to the app.
7. Users can also use the app offline as long as they are logged in to the app.
8. Users can now view the Day and the Date of the To-do item on the list.
9. To-do items are now listed according to Date. Updating a To-do item's date will also update the To-do list order.
10. Custom animations were added to the app.