Qriosity is a quiz app made with flutter and firebase to play quizzes on different topics.
Qriosity is a collaborative trivia where you can demonstrate your knowledge in various topics. A simple interface yet elegant and comfortable to use, filled with user-friendly quizzes. From the scoreboard, you can see the scores of each user who attempted the quiz.

- SignUp, SignIn and SignOut
- User cannot exit a quiz once it gets started
- Answers are shown at the bottom of the screen after attempting
- User can see own best score in different topics.
- Users can attempt the quiz of any topic multiple amounts of times but the first attempted score is only stored for each topic
- Recorded scores can be seen in the rank list with other users who have given the quiz
- Ranklist is available for each topic as well as for overall collective scores of every topic attempted
- Firebase is used to store marks of each topic with user names