Rh+ Sözlük (Rh+ Dictionary)
Rh+ Sözlük (Rh+ Dictionary) is a dictionary for certain academic English exams in Turkey. Developed in Flutter
Technical specification:

-Firebase Cloud Firestorage
-Firebase Functions
-Firebase Cloud Messaging
-Api Communication
-Google BigQuery
-Shared Preference
-Responsive Design
-Flutter Animation
-Remote Push Notification via GCM
-Google image to Text Recognition
-Speech to Text
-Text to Speech
-Facebook App Events

Application information:

Rh+ Sözlük contains over 300,000 contents and all the information to know about academic words.
Rh+ Sözlük is a free dictionary for those who prepare for academic exams in Turkey. Besides, it is totally ads-free. Rh+ Sözlük sends daily notifications about words. These words are listed in a separate section (words to learn), or you can make your own vocabulary list and practice with those words in our practice tool. The ones you have learned are listed in another section (words learned).

Features about the words you search:
-its Turkish meaning(s)
-example sentence and its translation
-detailed meaning description
-its synonyms
-its collocations
-its prepositions
-its pronunciation
-its derivatives
-idioms and proverbs
-a descriptive image of the word
-its frequency of occurrence
-its grammatical features
-other related words

Rh+ Sözlük is developed by www.remzihoca.com.