Write notes quickly
Teria is a minimal note taking app that opens directly into the editor ready to type in. I use it to jolt down ideas all the time. On top of that it offers a calendar with streaks to see how much you’ve written each day.

Write Instantly

Most note apps force you to go through multiple screens to be able to write. With Teria you just need to open the app and it automatically starts a new note with the cursor blinking, waiting for your input. When you come back to out again you will find your note waiting.

[Customizable from Settings]

You can pick a word Target for you to reach each day and the app will always show you how far away are you from reaching it and how many days in a row you’ve reached it

[Customizable from Settings]
Calendar View

Easily see how much and what you’ve written each day through the calendar view.

More Info - http://www.valentinourbano.com/Introducing-Teria.html
PH - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/teria
More Screens - https://imgur.com/a/D5NV7GE