Time Balance - Goal Driven Time Management
Set goals and stay on schedule with Time Balance.
When creating a project, you specify a deadline, the total amount of time you want to put into this project, and the days you want to work. This allows Time Balance to calculate a daily goal time for your project.

Time Balance will help you stay on schedule by adjusting the daily goal time depending on how much you have actually worked. It will be increased for the remaining days if you get behind schedule. Getting ahead of schedule, on the other hand, will decrease the daily goal time.

On the project screen, you get a detailed overview of your progress. Including the amount of time you are behind or ahead of schedule.

When tracking your time, you can enable the integrated Pomodoro timer. This will remind you to take breaks and to get back to work.

You can use tags to keep track of what youโ€™re currently working on. On the tags section of your project, you can see how much time you have spent on each tag.