Wooberly SuperDelivery - Multi service app
Wooberly SuperDelivery is a single app on demand delivery solution for the customers to on-demand delivery of everything they want. Whether it is food delivery or grocery delivery at any time, this app handles everything that might deliver.
Wooberly SuperDelivery - On demand delivery app with multi-service solutions offers a dedicated Android and iOS app for customers, and delivery partners, and a dynamic web panel for admin and stores as per your customization requirements. Wooberly SuperDelivery is a ready-to-use and white label on-demand delivery app solution
Highlighted features of On demand delivery app with multiple services
Check Wooberly SuperDelivery highlighted features for customers, delivery persons, stores, and admin.
Customer app features
Social login
Add to cart
Order history
Order tracking
Payment options
Delivery person app features
Manage documents
Map navigation
Easy call
Earning History
Manage profile
Manage bank details
Store panel features
Manage order
Set offer
Manage store details
Manage products
Order history
Admin panel features
Manage store/driver
Mass notification
Manage document
Manage promo code
Earning report
Manage payment option
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Why Wooberly SuperDelivery for your business
It is ready-made on demand delivery app solution so you can launch your startup within a few days.
On demand delivery app is built with flutter technology to offer a great user experience.
This On demand delivery app solution with a brand name and logo.
With the help of Wooberly SuperDelivery, you can launch the delivery business app with the local language and currency.
Start your on demand delivery business app for food, water, grocery, medicine, and much more delivery services in a single app